I have been awarded the Marie Antoinette, A Real Person, A Real Award! The rules are as follows:
1. Place the logo on your blog.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award... you can visit Nicki at http://nickisnook.net/
3. Nominate 7 more blogs
4. Link to their blogs
Sarah at http://littlepaperbird.blogspot.com/
Melentine at http://www.melentine.com/
Neki at http://amoveablefeast.blogspot.com/
Ruth at http://ruthsfiberphotos.blogspot.com/
Papercracker at http://papercracker.blogspot.com/
Cally at http://callybooker.wordpress.com/
Vale at http://artjournalgypsies.blogspot.com/
5. Leave a post on their blogs to notify them!
Thank you one and all for providing so much inspiration and joy!