Wow! It is a giveaway on this site! http://www.nancymalay.blogspot.com/ . Take a look at her work, she is a super talented lady indeed!
And another giveaway at this site: www.cmscanlon.blogspot.com. Love her work... and now she is giving away 2 copies of her book, Art from the Heart.
This is a page from a book I made for my sis...she too is so talented in so many things, swimming, knitting, music and more. The colorful piece on the right side is a bit of Tyvek, painted and ironed until it bubbled. Be careful with your iron, once it starts to bubble, it goes lickety split! Protect your iron and ironing board. I use a teflon sheet below and parchment paper above the Tyvek. Any acrylic paint( I used neopaque, lumiere, and Golden), permanent or heatset ink will work. I also like to add some sparkle with metallic waxes or mica powder, even glitter will work. Try this technique if you haven't discovered it yet... it will become a favorite, I am sure.