This weekend is the Montpelier Sheepdog trials, and accompanying fiber fest.... love those puppies! I got my bordercollie fix, and will last a while now! It was mostly novices that were running while I was there, and those youngsters were entertaining. By 4:30 the sheep were pretty fed up with the whole thing, and were not easy to run. The last dog I saw run was half bordercollie, half bearded collie... imagine a bearded coat on a border body! I came home with 2 alpaca fleeces, one cria, one yearling. They are lovely, one a rose grey, the other a red and charcoal, my cats were fascinated by them. I also contracted for two icelandic sheep fleeces. They will be shorn at the end of October. They are cute puffballs, both will be hoggets (first shearing) and softer than the usual icelandic. Ah, a good weekend all together! My project for the fall is to spin all four fleeces, then in the spring or summer to build a warp weighted loom. Perhaps I can weave on it by fall. My first project will be a rectangular shawl, who knows after that.