What a terrific time I had! The weather ranged from beautiful to not so much, and I ended up buying a new sunshade because of a nasty bout of wind. Straight line and no accompanying rain (whew) but going into town was not on my list of things to do that day. Never the less, I had a great time. I spent alot of time in the performing arts tent, seeing wonderful shows and learning new songs, took classes nearly every day and tryed out new food and (yummy) drinks. I also saw lots of friends I don't get to see during the year, though two of the best were not able to come. I have posted a few pics, the first is of
Wolgemut, a high energy really fun band. They play period music (and new stuff too) on period instruments, and speak in a really bad German accent! The next pic is my (new) sunshade where I cook and read and comb wool and everything but sleep and change clothes. Then my tent. I made this several years ago from brushed twill cotton, and it has been very very good. The tent breathes better than any other I have used, goes up easily, keeps out the rain, and has only 10 stakes to be driven in (though more can be used if deemed useful. I am thrilled it turned out so well. The last picture is of Mistress Marion of Heatherdale, another of my favorite bards. She is a fabulous singer, plays several instruments and is just one of the nicest people you will ever meet! I also have photos of some of the many Arts and Sciences projects displayed on Monday. I will post them tomorrow. I am finding it hard to come back to the present. I always do, and will spend the next several days missing Pennsic. Where else can a girl find courtesy, chivelry and honor... okay, in the US Marines, but where else? Sigh, well, back to the real world and all.