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Saturday, July 23, 2011
My word, he's cute! He's been coming around but when I get my camera out, he disappears. This time he hung around long enough that I got lots of pics. He was chased by the squirrels at first, they didn't want to share the peanuts, but after he zoomed all around them and still kept coming back for more, they gave up. Now he's hanging with the Big Boys!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tarot Card Done!
Really, this was an interesting challenge. It is for my TravellersHart group, who decided to do a Nick Bantock (getting back to roots) homage tarot deck. I drew the Hanged Man card....
I really don't know that much about tarot, though it is interesting to me. Turns out the Hanged Man rerpresents patience, passivity, and sacrifice, with the bonus of resurrection thrown in! A most fitting card for me, particularly right now. Funny how God works in these things! I guess if He can use the jawbone of an ass..... ; )
Friday, July 22, 2011
A Busy Deck
Well, they finally got around to retarring the road in my developement, after parking out on the far street three other times. The back deck was a very busy place today, the birds were flitting all over. There were squirrels too, though they were not moving very quickly, unlike the birds. The screen pidgeon carrier seems to make a great resting place. So does the railing, evidently. A pilleated woodpecker and a hairy woodpecker, a yellow chickadee, sparrows, cardinals, bluejays, and a mystery bird appeared. The bird looks alot like a crestless cardinal, but has a black head. I have put up the best pics of it I could get (it was shy) and if you know what it is, tell me!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Pennsic Countdown

One week left, seven days to the start of Pennsic 40, 8 days until we leave. All I really NEED to do is finish the grocery list for cold things, finalize the packing list, pack, and buy Meg's SCA membership. I am actually in reasonably good shape, with a week left to go. Of course there are other things to do for other commitments, but that is beside the point. I finished my entry for Month at the Museum.... finding out about it so late didn't help any, but that is done for now. I am already thinking about next year for that too!
I still have to finish up my Hanging Man Tarot card for my art group, but that is almost complete, I just need to print the back and shrink it all down. Then mail it of course.
Lets see, I also have to get in a class proposal for the phototransfer class I will add to the schedule next quarter. And that should be it before Pennsic. Can't wait. Really can'r wait. I definately need a vacation, and 2 weeks of doing first nothing and then classes and dancing and concerts sounds just the ticket to me. I don't have a thing planned until Friday of the forst week, so chillin' is the order of the day.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
More of Meghan's Wizardry

So the pics are now up for the fashion show, and here are Meg's designs. The pieces she didn't actually desin aren't here, but she had alot to do with the fabric and trim choices.... especially things like peacock feathers! They couldn't find a model that fit the yellow dress as well as they liked, but I still like it. I will just let the pieces speak for themselves.
Monday, July 18, 2011
My Very Talented Daughter!

With the ever gracious Kenneth Flanagan, on the night of his anniversary show at National Harbor, MD. I am so very proud of her, and love the way she has taken her dream and pursued it, and Saturday watched her own pieces walking down the catwalk on beautiful models. I will see if I can put up some pics... don't know if that is okay yet. Here is a link to one of the YouTube videos.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Qfs1mclLU&feature=related there are several. This one has my favorite piece of hers I have seen so far... the white Tulip Coat, first out. Love, love, love it!
I am so very fortunate to be the mom of two such talented and bright kids.... though they are children no more. Meg and Josh.... I love you both so very much, and you make me proud to be your mom!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Great Evening!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Nautical Napkins
Friday, July 1, 2011
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Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.
The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery. The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose. The sky was a won...

It has been too long since I have been able to play in my studio. I have been cleaning it for a challenge and because I couldn't find an...