Suzanne McNeill has a couple YouTubes and books out on this cool block that really does only take about ten minutes per block. I put together the first as a challenge to use fabric that was not being appreciated... In other words, we couldn't sell it. You know, it isn't bad at all, and we actually did sell some after making up the quilt top (though not at Quilt Club).
The second was my own take, using a simple color technique that looks almost like a Bowtie quilt. In the middle, I embroidered a cute little sun to echo a pattern on one of the fabrics. I used the new Bernina 780 to do the embroidery, and the 750 to piece and quilt. They are sweet machines, easy to use, well priced and versatile. I'm still not wild about the poly batting, but I can live with it. For the bigger one, I will use cotton.
Lots going on now, so less time to write. But that's good, it means I am spending more time doing than writing or whiny or even recording.
The first muslin got made of the 1860 Confederate Chaplain's coat hubby wants for the Battle of Aldie reenactment. He will be captured, and provide comfort to the southern wounded being treated at the church he pastors in real life. I tried the muslin on him, marked the changes, and made them on the patterns. Quite a few, as you see.
Then I cut out the lining and basted it together, and had another fitting, pinning the much smaller differences to be made. Hubby then fed me at Fosters, and I returned to execute the changes. I have another shoulder to adjust, and then it is time to cut the wool outer coat.
There were times I wanted to stick a pair of scissors in my eye, or his, though if I hadn't procrastinated so very long, it would be a lot easier. I am learning oodles of new stuff. Lots of men's tailoring tricks.
My own Norse is at a standstill in the meantime.
I also started work at a second job, since thanks to Obamacare I can no longer work full time at my old job. It is wonderful, but very physically tiring. It is a brand new quilt shop, just opened last Friday! The owner is fabulous, the co workers great, the fabric and notions more fun that a barrel of nano monkeys!
Still lots of stock to put out... Too much fun!
And there is more, but later for that, I am still working on it. My Beatles Quilt.
Oh yes, and my Battle of the Nations Quilt... To celebrate the asskicking job our team did in France this year...while winning the award for Most Chivalrous Team! Great fighters, great support team, great publicity team there, great liaison publicity team here.... Too many to be able to mention them all. Man, would I love to go.
And a bit of excitement, literally. This little lady bit my boss on the ankle, so she scooped her up, brought her in, and told me I am the only person she trusted to tell her if she needed to call 911.
She didn't, of course. Just get a tetanus shot and whack of antibiotics. She's a bit cold and irritated here, but we released her out back after the dr confirmed my taxonomic classification. Poor wee thing.
The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery. The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose. The sky was a won...