It has been too long since I posted! I have had a tough time healthwise for the last couple weeks, and spent my time laying in bed moaning. Glad that's over! So I am just tossing up some of the things I have done this weekend. The first is my not yet done caravan for a swap with others in my Yahoo group, TravelersHart. I will finish up and mail them Tuesday. I also did some earrings, not this weekend, but at Pennsic. The applique is from Pennsic too, or at least started there. I am now working on a wave shaped piece to do both inside and outside curves. The wire is Viking wirework, well, pretty nearly every early community had wirework like this, not just the vikings. This is early on, and looks pretty rough and uneven, but most of that will get evened out in the drawing process.
Hi Kim, biiiig thankyou for visiting my blog.
My yours is so much fun, i have so enjoyed reading about your pennsic travels
You would love Warwick Castle over here in the UK, very close to Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeares country. I went there last years and it was really great.
LOOOOOVE your stone angel transfer, it is so good. May have to try that technique myself.
I've just done a stone angel ATC on my Flickr group that i run.
Anyways, once again, thankyou for visiting my site, and taking the time and trouble to comment.
xxxx margaret xxxxx
Looks like you've been busy, these all look great!
I love your blog! These earrings are great, I especially love the gold swirly ones. That's the type of jewelry making I'd love to learn. Thanks for visiting my blog too :)
Lovely delicate work you've done here. Sorry to hear about the health woes...I've had my share of those this summer! Just getting over a terrible cold that waylaid me all last week....
I hope you are feeling much better.
Your jewelry is great! Enjoyed your blog.
I love the fine wirework. Just beautiful.
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