Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pretty Pretty Pretty

Now that I have a butterfly bush outside my front door, I have a plethora of pretty things visiting me every day.  Can you see all three of the Eastern Swallowtails in the 6th picture?  And the first pic is of a Spicebush Swallowtail.  The myriad smaller ones won't hold still long enough for me to get a good shot.... Is it a rule that the smaller the 'fly, the shorter the time it stays on a flower? 

The sky was a little too hazy to get really good quality photos of the last blue moon for almost three years...but in real life, it showed up much clearer.  The rabbit in the moon was alert and active!  I am glad I went out to look at it.... the skies hold wonder for me that does not diminish with age, but ever grows, letting me see myself as a small bit in a large universe.  Wonderful creation!

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