Another medieval event! Two in a month is extraordinary! I spent a fair amount of time watching the rapier fighting. They had lightning rounds, where the round can't be more than 30 seconds, and definitely the fighters fought differently. There was an all out scramble to score and lots of wild thrusts and parries. It was fun to watch, fast paced and exciting.
I also spent time with old friends, and met some new ones. I tasted what may have been the most vinegary pickled veggies I have ever had!
Eadric, and John made it while I shopped around! That is service! A few view pins and I was done shopping. Not, however, done wanting! There was much to see, cloth, fiber, furniture and jewelry. Food, boxes, sundries and tapestries. If it is medieval, or plausible, it was there.

Looks like grand fun. There was quite an active SCA in College Station TX many years ago. And of course the big ren faire there every fall. OR has some events but they are all up around Portland, too far to drive for this little old lady.
I've heard of these but never been to one. It looks very interesting and who doen't love shopping?! :-)
I am lucky Theresa in that there is something around here most months, if you can drive 25 or so miles. I lived a while in Coos Bay, there sure wasn't much there!
Ah, but North Carolina has a lot! Many are well set up to have observers, even having loaner clothes so you could blend right in! And yes, I love the shopping!
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