I am sorry I wasn't up to the swashbuckling fun yesterday, I rather overdid it at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Fest and got a bit dehydrated. Nothing too bad, just unpleasant. For those of you who have never seen a fiber fest, I took a gazillion phots. There were 8 buildings of fiber, plus a road filled on both sides with overflow, animals and food. Lamb, of course. Funnel cakes, ice cream, fresh squeezed lemonaid, yum! There were critters small (the bunnies), medium (goats and sheep), and large (llamas and alpaca). There was unprocessed fiber... the raw fleeces, and combed fiber, carded fiber, picked fiber, there were natural colors and rainbows, curly, straight, fluffy, shiny and sleek. There was yarn. Oh, there was yarn. Factory spun, handspun, natural and manmade. Bamboo, corn, and seaweed. There were tools... looms, wheels, spindles, needles, and hooks. There were books and tjangs and dyes, paints and wax and staffs. Oh yes, and the finished goods... coats and string bags, shoes and paintings, drawings and buttons. I am sure I have left some out, but just look at the pics... it is fiber heaven! Add in a demo of historical spinning, weaving and bobbinlace and throw in music for good measure, there's nothing left to wish for.... well, maybe a winning lottery ticket!
Color color everywhere! How did you stop yourself from getting one of everything?
Oooh, what beautiful pictures, I'm going all drooley over all that lovely wool.
Kim x
Scrumptious colors! I'd love to see the wool from our llamas here in Minnesota end up so beautifully!
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