Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh My!

We have barely gotten the snow from the last blizzard of about 30" piled up, and now we are expecting another this afternoon. It was supposed to have begun this morning at 0900, but is now slated for afternoon. THAT MEANS THE SYSTEM IS MOVING SLOWLY. Crud! That means it will stay over us longer. Oh my. oh my oh my oh my oh my. Oh my.
Note that the piles of snpw are higher than the cars. They are higher than our heads. The storm drains are all covered. The door to the deck was frozen shut this morning from the melt yesterday... even though the temp wasn't higher than about 32, much melting occurred. Yup, large puddles of now well frozen ice now litter the roads too. Sigh. The trip in is likely to be a nasty one. Better get going.

1 comment:

~*~Patty S said...

LOVE your winter wonderland pics Kim!
It was gorgeous white stuff, wasn't it! Definitely a winter to remember!

I am glad your son was home for a visit and won't be far away !

So nice of you to pop by my Magpie's Nest ... where does the time go ... March already!

Take care my friend!

Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.

The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery.  The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose.  The sky was a won...