The hydrangeas are starting to bloom in earnest now. Last year there was a paucity of blooms, but this year, not so. The flowers are mostly pale blues, but a few are still pinkish. They’re still lovely!
Over South Mountain the sun is starting to sink. Now the sunset is just north of west, but last January it set almost due south west. The world turns, it revolves, it hurtles through space keeping up with the galaxy, but here we can only tell by tracking the sunrises and sunsets. What a universe this is!
your chamomile is beautiful, do you dry it for tea? You live in a beautiful part of the World.
Betty, yes I do, yea and also I make salves and creams. Chamomile is so useful, and there are so many more plants also useful. As to the beautiful place I live, you’re right as rain there, I truly love this place.
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