Sunday, May 11, 2008

Photo Manipulation

Well, these are the results. I am not happy with them, but as a learning experiance, they were certainly successful. Aside from that, not so good. Part was because the ink responded very quickly to any moisture, and partly because facial drawings in that scale is NOT my forte. Ah well, on to different things.


Christy said...

I have struggled with this workshop too. I feel like I have learned a lot but was not really, totally happy with any of mine. I really like your first picture, then the one with just the little girl and last but my personal favorite the red dress with the white lines. That one looks really great.

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

These look great! Good use of color! By the way, I need your e-mail addy for the craft space challenge updates!


morningDove said...

I like your work, esp. the little girl and the texture in the last one is great.

Paula Clare said...

Hi there,
I really love the pic of the mom and little girl...again, the pastel colors make the photo look genuine vintage. LOVE IT!

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