Saturday, May 24, 2008

Photo Manipulation

As I was scanning these in for the challenge in my Yahoo group, I thoght it was an interesting juxtaposition... these are my mom, and my daughter. Just a thought. More tomorrow...


SweetAnnee said...

I love it

mary schweitzer said...

I especially like the vibrancy of the bottom one! Great work.

morningDove said...

these are truly amazing. love the bottom but i'm partial to orange, what a blazing sunset. And your mom's pose is great. inspiring me to get to work on mine. thanks so much

Christy said...

I love the mood that the orange gave to the image of your daughter. What a very cool effect.

Paula Clare said...

I really love the watercolor additions to black and white photos...especially the sweet pastel colors that look like real vintage type pictures! WAY COOL!

PS LOVE the orange, too!

Lavinia said...

The photo of your mom is very glamorous. The photo of your daughter.....the effect with the lines is amazing, its like an optical illusion and play with perspective and distance. Is she close or is she far from the

Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.

The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery.  The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose.  The sky was a won...