Monday, December 28, 2020
Winter Skies at Dawn

Friday, December 25, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Does Your Cat Snore?
This is a closeup of him doing just that, and snoring! He may look like he has no teeth, but that’s just the cute black spots on his tongue and gums...he has excellent dental health.
The sun sets in a beautiful sky after a wild couple of days....already the mountain is showing her ridge line.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
There was some wind last night! It wasn’t awful, nor did it last for hours, but instead came and went as the gusts pleased. When the wind wasn’t wild, there was an almost eerie silence that reigned in its place, muffling sound, just the gentle ticking I associate with falling snow. The light was different too, more...almost luminous. It’s been years since we’ve seen this much snow, and there’s not anything substantive looming on the near horizon, so I will enjoy this while I can. Honestly, I can’t remember a time when snowstorms weren’t accompanied by the stress of having to get to work, worrying about the kids, or being Alpha personnel in the Navy. This was delightful! No wondering if I would have to travel through the slippery roads, no finding a daycare that was open, no planning and overseeing the berthing arrangements for sailor’s families or stranded civilian workers. Instead I stoked the fire and made comfort food and petted my cats while watching the snow fall... total and complete perfection!we made it through without power loss, though we were ready if need be. The birds rather frantically ate, getting in as many calories as possible. I changed out the sliver of suet they left this morning for a fresh, fatty, protein rich block. The kitties have been entertained watching the activities of dozens of feathered fliers jostling for treats. I knitted. Most of the day! Today was bake cookies day for our neighbors who plowed us out with their tractor. Good people, very good. I hope everyone stayed safe...though I’m sure many were in dangerous situations. I am grateful for the people who cleared the roads, who ran towards the emergencies, who fought their way in to hospitals and firehouses and Sheriffs offices. Those who fought through the storm, keeping safe the flocks and herds and coops in their care. May God bless you, every one.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
The snow is falling hard and fast, but the wind keeps it from settling onto the ground in a fluffy blanket. It is light and dry, so the above ground power lines are not in danger from the snow, and so far the wind isn’t enough to worry me either. Nonetheless I got out flashlights and oil lamps, and even candles if we really need them. Thank goodness for the knowledge of safe lamps with olive oil fuel shared in the SCA.
The kitties are taking turned on my lap and the heating pads, they both give and receive comfort.Sunday, December 13, 2020
The Weather

Thursday, December 10, 2020
Dreaming of Winter
A Miscellany of Pictures and Thoughts
Thursday, December 3, 2020
A Cold and Cloudy Day
The day began with heavy, grey clouds obscuring the sunrise...except for one small sliver of vibrant coral and gold beyond my neighbors house. After getting the paper I scurried back inside and put the coffee on to warm me up. I figured a nice little fire was warranted, so laid one and lit it. There was no wind outside, always a little challenging to get the box warmed without smoking up the house! I finally got it though, and oh the warmth!
The coals, of course, invited me to find a bag of marshmallows from the early fall bonfires, only a little crusty, and roast them a rich golden brown before sliding them off the fork and popping them in my mouth. The sweetness and warmth were perfect.
And then the snow came, the wind picked up and the flakes persisted until the grass and leaves on the ground were crusted with snow. The moon, later on, limned each leaf, each branch, with an silver glow that was startlingly bright.
Inside, warm and dry, I dosed in my chair. Pippin and Strider were snuggling on the loveseat, and as I lifted the phone to capture their sweet pose, Pippin awoke and looked at me accusingly. I swear he can hear me change my breathing. Candid photos are hard to achieve with such vigilance!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Moon Light
The moon is so big and bright that I can almost see into the little copse in front of our house. Or read! But only where the trees are not!
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Thoughts on Living My Dream
This view out my window was so gorgeous I wanted to catch it to be able to see again and again. About a millisecond later, this was my view...
On my walk this morning, I went a bit farther into the woods, and found a great big log section that will be perfect for a table in my to be completed sitting area. It was hard going for me, I’m glad I took my walking stick. My two new knees were performing admirably, but my back made everything harder. Just two more weeks until the, hopefully, second surgery, and then the work of recovery, and then, I hope, normalcy. Well, as normal as this year can be.
We had moths in our old place, just one of the many issues that plagued us there. A very old, very loved hat was one of the casualties.I had to throw out so much wool. The hole mending was put on hold so as to get better set up in our new home, and somehow it was tossed in the washer! Oh no, must fix holes! So I got a little ball of some of my first spinning, and filled the holes. A little fulling and it will be fixed....The sun is setting earlier each night, laying its course to the winter solstice. Each time is rises and each time it sets it slides a little further south for the rising sun, and north for the setting. I wonder how people, long long ago saw the suns progression. We know they tracked it...not just in the Iron Age, or Bronze, but back into Neolithic time as well. In Pennsylvania we have one of the oldest sites of human habitation in North America as well as some fascinating petroglyphs and stone stacks, all of which have representations of solar and lunar activity. I think it must have been comforting to have a stable schedule, a calendar if you will. It must have been frightening if it deviated. So much depended on the sun. And the moon....but that is for another post.Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.
The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery. The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose. The sky was a won...

It has been too long since I have been able to play in my studio. I have been cleaning it for a challenge and because I couldn't find an...