Thursday, November 19, 2020

To Be a Cat, is to Be Comfortable!

 Doesn’t it make you want to take a little nap?


Michelle said...

I don't think I've ever seen cats co-habitate so cozily!

Kim said...

Pretty much they all are great buddies, just an occasional spat ...

Morning's Minion said...

I daresay we are 'cat crazy' here--so it does my heart good to see your felines snoozing in various places. I occasionally get tired of cat hair on furniture and quilts, claw marks, hair balls, etc, but in the end its a price I willingly pay for the joy of our cats' company.

Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.

The day began early with a ride north for a little minor surgery.  The sun was up before we left, but not before we rose.  The sky was a won...