Thursday, December 17, 2020

 There was some wind last night!  It wasn’t awful, nor did it last for hours, but instead came and went as the gusts pleased.  
When the wind wasn’t wild, there was an almost eerie silence that reigned in its place, muffling sound, just the gentle ticking I associate with falling snow. The light was different too, more...almost luminous.  It’s been years since we’ve seen this much snow, and there’s not anything substantive looming on the near horizon, so I will enjoy this while I can.  Honestly, I can’t remember a time when snowstorms weren’t accompanied by the stress of having to get to work, worrying about the kids, or being Alpha personnel in the Navy.  This was delightful!  No wondering if I would have to travel through the slippery roads, no finding a daycare that was open, no planning and overseeing the berthing arrangements for sailor’s families or stranded civilian workers.  
Instead I stoked the fire and made comfort food and petted my cats while watching the snow fall... total and complete perfection!we made it through without power loss, though we were ready if need be.  The birds rather frantically ate, getting in as many calories as possible.  I changed out the sliver of suet they left this morning for a fresh, fatty, protein rich block.  The kitties have been entertained watching the activities of dozens of feathered fliers jostling for treats.  I knitted.  Most of the day!  Today was bake cookies day for our neighbors who plowed us out with their tractor.  Good people, very good.  
I hope everyone stayed safe...though I’m sure many were in dangerous situations.  I am grateful for the people who cleared the roads, who ran towards the emergencies, who fought their way in to hospitals and firehouses and Sheriffs offices.  Those who fought through the storm, keeping safe the flocks and herds and coops in their care. May God bless you, every one.  


Morning's Minion said...

I especially like your reference to that strange muffled feeling that pervades when the fury of a blizzard has subsided. Being safe inside [in retirement!] with the cats, comfort food, books--its all good!

Kim said...

It IS good, I am loving it.

Morning's Minion said...

Rather uncanny how 'things' pop up in a news feed--here's the science behind the silence of the snow.'s%20science%20behind%20the,quieter%20outside%2C%20according%20to%20AccuWeather.&text=Those%20spaces%20absorb%20sound%20waves,over%20a%20blanket%20of%20snow
That didn't paste the way I hoped it would!

Kim said...

Oh, cool! Thank you!

Almost Summer, Winter is A-coming.

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